Sunday, February 27, 2011

More carbon and some seat action

Things are going along slowly but surely. I had cataract surgery this week, so I have strict instructions to not strain myself or get around any dust. That pretty much restricts me to doing light work that doesn't involve grinding or sanding.

I decided I could do some small part carbon layups and work with balsa wood. In the photo of the carbon parts you can see six small parts. The two large rectangles are balsa sandwiched between one layer of carbon on either side. These will become the seat mounts and will also be the upper shock mount. They will get bonded and carbonned to the main framed. The two small rectangles are plywood sandwiched with carbon, they will be the front parts of the swing arm. They will have 10mm slots cut in the bottom side to allow them to attach to the axle of the hub I am using for the pivot point. The odd shaped small parts are the rear dropout connectors. They will go between the foam swing arm extensions and the aluminum dropouts from the Rocky that I cut up.

The balsa part is one of the two seat frames. Once the glue dries, this will be shaped a bit to the curve of my back/butt, and cut to size. One the left is the seat bottom and the right is the back. Once I get this piece shaped, I will make a second one. These will be parallel seat frames, positioned about three inches apart. One they are CF'ed they will have balsa slats laid across them which will make the base and back of the seat. I will then layer them with a couple of layers of carbon. Pictures in the next few days will help clarify what I am trying to explain.

Progress is on track and there is no sign of good biking weather yet so I am not too pressured!!!!

Since I am off training for a few weeks due to the eye surgery, I should get a bit more work done on the bike. I need her on the road by the end of March so I can get some training miles and hills under my belt.  With my one hour of off-road recumbent experience, I'm not quite ready for the race in May!!

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